Monday, October 26, 2015

Swadhishtana, chakras contd...

The second chakra is Swadhishtana. Swa = self, Adhishtana = Dwelling/rule/abode and etc. Swa+Adhishtana = Swadhishtana, meaning, self's dwelling.

It is orange in colour and is represented by a six petaled white lotus. each petal signifying the 6 vrittis of our conscious:  affectionpitilessness, feeling of all -destructiveness, delusiondisdain and suspicion. Deities in texts differ as per system. Some of which i Know of are Varuna (rain god)/Subrahmanya/Vishnu/Rakini. Element is water. In body it is associated with the tongue and the sense of taste, genitalia, reproductive system, ovaries, testes and  hormones. Psychologically it governs the sense of enjoyment, how we relate to others? our creativity, self-awareness. The moola mantra of this chakra is "VAM".

This chakra is said to be the center of human creativity and self expression through creativity. which may include, art of any form, sexuality and the way a person interacts and relates to people is governed by this chakra. This is said to be one of the more conscious of chakras. This is where the sense of self, me, I and mine dwells. It works in very close association with Muladhara which is more a unconscious chakra. A person's way of treating other people and self depends highly on this chakra. When chakra highly active, he/she tends to use people of their enjoyment/gain/selfish reasons. Enjoyment is the key feeling of this chakra. The amount of enjoyment of any kind a person derives in their life emanates from balanced functioning of this chakra. Over indulgence or complete disconnectedness all are the result of imbalances in this chakra. Creativity of any kind; painting, music, dancing, reproduction, being eloquent, forming lasting relationships all are related to this chakra. In short, the proper balance of this chakra is a key for our happiness in life. Being creative and being able to express it positively through art, relationships or in any other form is highly elevating and enjoyable.

It is said that in meditation practice to self realization, this is the highly challenging chakra as this is where one has to overcome sexual desires. A person who masters this chakra and rises his/her awareness completely to this chakra is said to have siddhis of: freedom from enemies, the status of a lord among yogis, eloquence and clarity, loss of fear of water, awareness of astral entities, and the ability to taste anything desired for oneself or others. Awakening of any of the chakras must be done under the supervision of a guru who has already has this awakening. Trying to go about this path alone can result in serious hospitalization and in some cases death as well.

A person with an overactive Swadhishtana may be self centered, look at people and everything objectively, creative, overtly elated and to a certain degree possessive. A person with underactive Swadhishtana may have creative blockages, may not bond or gel with people well, depressed, bitter and etc. 

To balance the chakra, any kind of energy healing like Reiki and IET are very helpful. They gently help clear blockages and clear and align chakras. or one may meditate on this chakra with the beeja mantra LAM chanting out loud or within the mind with an intention just to clear and balance this chakra . Vibrations in the mantra help clear and balance it, or one may meditate on the colour orange or to the sound of flowing water. Or yogasanas such as seated pelvic circles (sitting in padmasana/lotus pose and doing torso circles clockwise and anticlockwise), badhakonasana (butterfly pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) help in balancing and clearing energies in this chakra. Yogasana must be practiced only after availing your doctor's consent if you have any health issues. Crystals like Carnaline, orange Calcite, fire Agate, orange Topaz, Sun stone, orange Chalcedony are great to use to clear and balance this chakra. 

Try the meditation on the below and see how you feel. 
Next Monday: Manipura Chakra.

Sources: Wikipedia,,,, and youtube.

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