Monday, November 2, 2015

Manipura chakra, Chakras contd

Manipura chakra is the third chakra or the energy center in our body. Mani = pearl, pura = would mean "city of pearl/beads/jewels". It is ten petaled lotus and  in a very radiant yellow colour. ten lotus petals represents vrittis of ignorance, thirstjealousytreachery,shamefeardisgustdelusionfoolishness and sadnessIn the body it is situated at the navel. In the Vedic, upanishadic references, it is also called the nabhi chakra.  In tantra it is called by many names such as dashachchada, dashadala padma and etc there are other references to this energy center in sufi texts and etc.  The element of this chakra is fire. the deity of this chakra is vahni (fire god)/surya (sun)/Narayana/Lakini in different methods. In the body it is situated at the navel/ solar plexus and is related to the entire digestive system & all it's acitvities, metabolism, pancreas, eyes and feet. Psychologically it governs self-confidence, self- awareness, general happiness, feeling of well being and gut feeling or intuition. In human psyche it is related to the will power, ichha shakti (the power solidifying desires/wants). Beeja mantra or the seed chant of  this chakra is  RAM         

Whatever we eat becomes the fuel for this chakra. Like wood is needed to keep the fire alive in a fire place, food becomes the fuel to keep burning this fire, this fire also keeps our bodies warm. The fire of this chakra radiates highly and penetrates through Swadhisthana and Muladhara downward and upward it penetrates to anahata or the heart chakra.So when we feel happy, it is generated in the gut and is felt in the heart as an emotion of joy, love, sadness and so is fear. Response to the inputs we provide our chakras is generated here and is converted into emotion and felt via heart chakra. The Swadhisthana and Manipura chakras derive their energy from the energy manipura generates. It is in the manipura that the prana (inhaled air)and the apana(exhaled air) vayus meet and give the fire its energy to burn.

It is said that a person who raises his awareness to this chakra is bestowed with the siddhis of constant happiness,  disease is conquered, excellent health and vitality, time is conquered and he/she can become very long lived. He/she can discover cures for diseases and medicines, and there is a deep understanding of physiology. Egotism is gone. There can be the power to create and destroy, to make gold and find hidden treasures. Obstacles when Point of Awareness is in Manipura are a great desire for personal power, fame and recognition. When the Point of Awareness is in Manipura one will generally sleep 6-8 hours a night, often on the back. Most of adult humanity dwells in Manipura. It is said that, a person who raises his/her awareness to this chakra has completed the most difficult part of the journey to self realization and is already halfway through. Please do not try to go about awakening any chakra on your own, it can lead to serious hospitalization. A self-realized guru who has these siddhis is the right one to teach these practices.

A balanced manipura gives a person great self-confidence without being egoistic. Can trust people easily and put plans into action to get the desired results, has great physical, mental, emotional vitality, can be very radiant, youthful, energetic personality and etc. An imbalance in manipur may cause a few problems if underactive or overactive. If the chakra is underactive slow digestion, constipation, gas, self-doubt, lack of trust in others, weight related issues, skin problems and etc may occur. When this chakra is overactive A person may be short tempered, stubborn, restless, aggressive, ulcers, acid reflux weight problems; especially putting on weight, fast digestion resulting in poor nutrient absorption and etc. 

To balance this chakra Pranayama, Uddiyana bandha (exhaling and pulling back and up the abdomen and diaphragm, respectively) and agnisara kriya (practicing jalandhara bandha, and moving the abdomen in and out), as well as the practice of nauli (stomach churning), and other pranayama and mudra that encourage the union of prana and apana, where the lower and higher winds are made to unite are very helpful and the vinyasa (mix of two or more yogasanas) Surya namaskara/Sun salutations is highly recommended. Please consult a doctor before starting any yoga routine if you have health problems.

Crystals like Malachite, Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Yellow Tourmaline and etc are useful. Meditation on the colour yellow or with the beeja mantra RAM is quite helpful.

Energy healing like reki/IET can easily clear and balance this chakra and maintenance can be done with yoga practice and meditation. I give you here a personal experience with chakra clearing with reiki, IET and meditation. This helped me immensely when i had a very bad stomach ache due to gas which did not abate even after walking like a maniac for 45 minutes at 2:00am, after drinking water and swallowing a tablet. Then doing a few asanas to relieve the pain. After i was totally exhausted around 3:15 am, i tried this and it worked like a charm in 10 minutes. For people who do not have a healing attunement, skip the part with symbols and try the rest of the method.

  • Ask form the higher power to be grounded and protected throughout the process.
  • Put master symbol, power symbol and also distant healing symbol over the chakra and observe through your third eye. (I saw dark grey clouds covering up the chakra.)
  • Keep sending it healing and start chanting RAM in the mind concentrating on the chakra and imagining bright yellow light piercing through whatever is blocking it also imagine a bright yellow fire burning and you hearing the sound of it. 
  • Do it for a few minutes and seal the healing or meditation with a prayer to keep the flame and brightness alive to heal your chakra. 
  • Thank reiki/angles or higher power for all the help and go to sleep.

I did this and believe me, my stomach ache which would not budge pretty much disappeared in 15 minutes. Not only that, once i started imagining the sound of fire in my mind, stomach started making digestive noises and just like that all the burps of undigested food disappeared within a couple of minutes. Also try this meditation below and see how it turn out for you.

Next week: Anahata Chakra/Heart Chakra.

Sources: Wikipedia,, Video: youtube,, 

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