Monday, November 16, 2015

Vishudhhi Chakra, Chakras contd...

Vishuddhi/Vishuddha chakra is the fith primary chakra in the chakra system. The name Vishuddha means especially pure. Vishuddha is positioned at the throat region, near the spine, with its Kshetram or superficial activation point in the pit of the throat. Due to its position, it is known as the throat Chakra. According to Hindu tradition, this chakra is described as having a "white color" with sixteen "purple" or "smoke-colored petals." Within the pericarp is a sky-blue downward pointing triangle containing a circular white region like the full moon. This represents the element of Akashi or "ether." This region is represented by the deity Ambara/Sadashiva/Shakini. This chakra is located in the neck and the throat. Due to its association with hearing, it is related to the ears, and due to its association with speaking, it is associated with the mouth. Vishuddha is often associated with the thyroid gland in the human endocrine system. This gland is in the neck, and produces hormones essential for growth and maturation. Excessive stress, namely fear and fear from speaking out, are said to affect the throat chakra, and thyroid problems may occur. Vishuddha chakra is known as the purification center, where the energy is split into a pure form and a poison. In its most abstract form, it is associated with higher discrimination and is associated with creativity and self-expression The success and failure in one's life are said to depend upon the state of this chakra, whether it is polluted or clean. Meditation upon this chakra is said to bring about various siddhis or occult powers: vision of the three periods, past, present and future; freedom from disease and old age; destruction of dangers; and the ability to move the three worlds. The Beeja mantra of this chakra is “HAM”. The colour of this chakra is sky blue.

With the help of the Vishuddhi Chakra we can rid ourselves of the toxic substances that are absorbed from the environment, as well as mental impurities. An important and life-supporting function of the Chakra is the purification and detoxification of harmful substances that accumulate in the body and primarily come from the food we eat and the air we breathe. This detoxification is brought about by Udāna Prāna, which has its seat in the throat. Udāna Prāna enables us to swallow. The food that is broken down by saliva is purified of toxic substances by this Prāna and is then passed on to the digestive system. An active Vishuddhi Chakra united with a strong Udāna Prāna contributes substantially to the preservation of health. It is not just the external world that is extremely polluted, but also the psyche and consciousness of many people. For as long as the pernicious, toxic qualities of discord, rivalry, envy and resentment eat away at our mind, the light of God consciousness cannot shine through.

In the Vishuddhi Chakra we are challenged to reflect on our situation in life and to put the following questions to ourselves: “What do I want to realize? What obstacles need to be overcome to realize this? What problems are confronting me and how can I resolve them?” Through meditation we attain clarity about ourself and our innermost desires and motives. We often prevent the resolution of our problems through our own prejudice and our own fixed or one-sided thinking patterns. Through MANANA (reflection) and meditation we can find possibilities for the resolution of issues that we were unable to discover before.
However, before you dive into the Vishuddhi Chakra, examine yourself honestly as to whether you are really ready to look in the mirror of your own reality.

If throat chakra is in balance he/she will have no problem expressing him/herself. He/she will be very creative, helpful, and may be good at offering people sound advice when it is asked for. He/she is not afraid to express weaknesses and people respect him/her for this. He/she is truly free when you can speak your truth. If throat chakra is over-active he/she is more than likely be over-opinionated, perhaps very critical of others and how they are performing in life. He/she may be verbally abusive to those around you, and may find him/herself yelling a lot when not necessary. He/she won’t allow others to “talk back” or voice their opinions about certain situations, it will be his/her way or no way. When under-active, he/she will be unable to express him/herself and will often be misinterpreted or misunderstood by others. He/she will probably be “wishy washy” or considered “flakey” or unreliable by the people in his/her life. Telling the truth and being honest with him/herself is something he/she probably have a difficult time with.

To balance and clear Vishuddi, energy healing modules like Reiki and IET can be very helpful as they can clear up major blockages in a session or two and the maintenance of this chakra can be done through meditation and yoga practice such as Sarvangasana (shoulder-stand), pranayama, Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock), and Khecarī mudrā. This chakra can be cleaned or opened by vocalization as well. Please do not start any yoga practice without getting the consent of your doctor if you have any health related issues and please do not go about awakening/activating the chakra without proper guidance of a self-realized guru who has achieved it already. Going about awakening the chakra without guidance may lead to serious hospitalization. Few crystals which help in cleansing and balancing the chakra are, angelite  aquamarine, chrysocolla ,Larimer , Tibetan turquoise, lapis lazuli, blue agate (lace agate), blue chalcedony, and blue sapphire

Try this meditation and see how you feel:

Sources: Wikipedia,,,, Video:, Picture:


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