Monday, October 12, 2015


I am sure there will not be many people in this day and age who may have not have heard of chakras. Chakra in samskrutam means a wheel or a circle. It is said that we have 7 main chakras and there are a few secondary chakras in our bodies. So what are these chakras and how are they relevant to any of us? 

 The concept of chakras, their activities and everything related to them was the work of a grate sage and yogi of ancient India, named Patanjali. Chakras are basically energy centers in our bodies.They gather and distribute energy for the optimal functioning of our physical/emotional and mental bodies to keep us healthy. Each chakra has a specific function, a color, a beeja mantra (a seed chant/sound) and etc. When someone concentrates on any chakra through meditation and with continuous practice they can reap benefits that chakra has to offer. For example, if someone is concentrating on the agnya chakra (the third eye) they will not only develop self awareness, with continuous sincere practice they may develop clairvoyance or some other form of psychic ability.

The chakras have to be in balance, over active or under active chakras can create problems on different levels of our well being. For example, if someone has their muladhara (root chakra) over active that person may be lethargic, greedy and so forth; if the same root chakra is under active the person may be insecure and etc, hence balance is the key with chakras. 

Also, chakras are interdependent, they interact with each other to support each other. Imbalance in one chakra may slowly create an imbalance in other chakra.

Everyone has some degree of imbalance in any one chakra atleast. Chakras tend to get out of balance due to the stimuli we provide them. For example, if we do not know to do some task well and we are asked to do the same task or suffer consequences, we not only panic, our confidence takes a hit. the under-confidence and fear create stress which creates an imbalance in Manipura chakra (solar plexus), if this stress keeps continuing, we may develop digestive issues. 

To balance and cleanse chakras, meditation and exercise like yoga are very helpful. Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy also balance and cleanse chakra energies gently. Infact, energy work like Reiki and IET can bring harmony within and among all the chakras faster, while meditation and exercise help maintain the equilibrium.

I will post all about each chakra, their interactions, balance, properties and functions, how to bring balance to them, meditations and much more information every week from next Monday beginning with Mooladhara/Muladhara chakra (Root). 

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