Monday, October 5, 2015

Power of Intentions contd....

In my last blog post I wrote about how our intentions are subtle and guide our actions, which in turn result in how we feel if they are wrong.

In my experience, life lessons are not learnt without going through difficult experiences. I have had a fair share of them constantly. I have been on both sides; being negative to people/places/settings and circumstance and them being negative to me. So has everyone else. The question is how do we find sanity in chaos? After much introspection (it took me years) I realized most of the time, my intentions were not right. They were not downright selfish, but they were expecting something in return always. 

The moment I realized it, I stopped and made it a practice to ask myself; what am I looking for? If i feel it is wrong, I change my intention. If i can not, I do not act on it. If i can not help but go ahead with something, then I set an intention to expect as less as possible. 

There are certain situations where our intention must be to expect a lot of good, like doing well in studies, making a great career, getting the right person to marry and so forth. In such situations, I always try to set an intention which says, "I will start with what i can do, do it and I will find ways to do more, do it as well and try to give my best in every situation and then see how things go." This generally works. 

Also all these positive changes started happening in my life after i received Reiki attunements. Reiki and IET can help change our negative attributes with love and gentleness. We do not feel judged even for a bit no matter what we think we have done in our lives when healing energy works on us. 

If you are attuned to Reiki, IET or any other form of healing energies. You can follow these simple steps and see the difference in a few months. You can use the methods in the healing module you use instead of the symbols in mention here.

  • Imagine a energy ball of bright semi-transparent white and lavender.
  • Draw the power symbol, say it's name thrice.
  • Draw the emotional symbols and say it's name thrice.
  • Draw the power symbol again and say it's name thrice.
  • Then hold the energy ball with both your hand ask Reiki to fill it with positive energy as you set your intentions. (right here, you set an intention, in the most positive way you can)
  • just keep holding it untill you feel the energy ball is saturated with positive energy to sustain your intentions.
  • Now gently put that energy ball into your heart. 
  • let it sit there and you feel the energy penetrating all the way in your body, stay with it and feel your positive intentions growing strong in your mind.
  • repeat the above steps, as often as you would like.
The above method can be used by people who are not attuned to any form of energy healing. Just skip the symbols part and continue with the process. Ask your favorite god or the universe to help.

Many a times, intentions change along the way. Monitor of how your changed intention feels, if it feels negative, change it, make it positive and better than before. The end result may not often be money or power or anything great or tangible. It is your mental peace and happiness. 

Have a great week ahead... 


  1. Thank you for your positive message. I just returned home from a class on the power of your unconscious mind. This reinforced the concepts. Life is in flow!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and comment on it. I am glad you found the post in line with your current thoughts. Good luck with everything.
