Monday, December 14, 2015

How to use crystals?

Crystals in Energy healing are a very helpful and powerful tools. Crystals not only ground and connect our energies to earth, they help in bringing gentle healing to the areas they are associated with. Colours of crystals also work as colour therapy along with bringing their healing qualities.

Before you purchase crystals for healing of any aspect in your life, you must follow the following steps from choosing the right crystal, clearing, cleansing, charging  and connecting the crystal with your intention to have it work for you.

I will not go in detail about every crystal that would make for an entire book. I will give the steps in choosing a crystal, clearing it, cleansing it and charging it so that you may be able to get the crystal you like and use it for your advantage.

How to choose a crystal?
  • ·         First of all determine the purpose crystal will serve in your life. It can be a single purpose or multiple purposes.
  • ·         Next read up on the crystals which give you the healing properties you are looking for.
  • ·         Get to a crystal store and ask your higher self/god/angles/universe to guide you to pick the right crystal for you.
  • ·         Place your palm over the crystals and feel their energy. There will be one particular stone which will give a sensation in your palm or third eye… it can be warmth/coolness/pressure/pull/tingling/any other sensation. Ask yourself how that sensation feels? Pick up the crystal only if you get a positive feeling from it.
  • ·         Take your time while buying crystals… the crystal you pick will bring a lot of healing to you and your situation specifically.
  • ·         If you are buying the crystal online or if someone is passing it down to you, you will need to see if it feels right to you. If you have paid a lot and cannot return the crystal, see if these next steps will help you feel better about the crystal you bought or received.

How to clear a crystal?
After you have your crystal. Place it under running cold water for a few minutes or till you get a feeling it is clear. There are a few crystals which cannot be put under water, then you take a bowl full of sea salt and put the crystal in it for atleast 48 hrs to clear it. Throw out the salt after you remove the crystal, do not use the salt for anything else.

How to cleanse a crystal?
After clearing the crystal, you will need to cleanse it. Usually clearing gets rid of more than 98% of negative energies, cleansing it will make it feel like new … it’s energy is revived completely…

  • ·         To cleanse a crystal, you can use sage. Just burn some dry sage and hold the crystal over the smoke for a couple of minutes. Make sure you have atleast a window slightly open so that you release sage’s smoke out carrying out all the impurities with it.  This method works for all the crystals which are water sensitive, salt sensitive and nonreactive crystals. When you hold the crystal on the smoke, have an intention to cleanse it completely. Saging can also be used for clearing crystals which are salt and water sensitive.
  • ·         Or you can immerse the crystal in a bowl of sea salt water for 24 hrs if it isn’t salt or water sensitive.

How to charge the crystal?
Charging crystals can be divided into two parts. One is charging with intentions for them to bring you healing where you require. Second one is to charge their batteries… yes, charging them back to life to function.
  • ·         To charge a crystal with intention, sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind.
  • ·         Now think of the purpose of the crystal in your life. For example, if you want the crystal to bring you healing of finances, hold the crystal between your palms and ask the crystal to open itself for charging with your intention for the highest healing and good of your finances. Then repeat an affirmation which makes the most sense to you… like, “I charge you to bring me financial abundance and to open new paths for me to bring that into my life”… or anything else that makes sense to you.  Once you feel your affirmation is set in the crystal, thank the crystal for accepting your affirmation and for bringing all the financial abundance and place it in the appropriate place in your house or wear it if you have bought it as an ornament.
  • ·         The second way is to recharge the crystal batteries. In order to do that, if you get direct sun light in your home, place the crystal in the direct sun light for 15 to 20 minutes. If you get direct moon light, place it full moon light throughout the night. Or you can bury the crystal in earth on a new moon night and take it out the following morning to charge it with earth energies.

How to connect to a crystal?
Sometimes you will need to connect with the crystal so that it brings you a lot of healing. It is not the case always… you will know it when you will have the need to connect to the crystal. To do that, follow the steps till changing and then keep the crystal with you 24/7 physically where ever you go whatever you do for two weeks except for when using the bathroom. Once you have done that, you will sense the crystal passing its energies to you strongly…. Receive that energy by holding it in your palms every day for 10 minutes. Thank the crystal for all it’s healing and put it in an appropriate place.

How often to clear, cleanse, charge and connect with the crystal?
Usually crystal will need clearing/cleaning/charging once in 2 months. However, if you are dealing with heavy stuff it may have to be done more frequently. You will feel the need and crystals will let you know if they need a cleanse and charge very badly… you just have to listen to them.

Even if you have multiple crystals, these steps are good for it.

How to enhance crystal healing properties?
Sometime crystals do well when they are put in clean water. Just place them in a bowl of clean water and their energies get enhanced.

How to dispose a crystal?
Yes sometimes, you will need to dispose a crystal. Then you think if you would like to pass it on to someone else. 

  • If you are passing it on, please reset the crystal (To do that, stop using the crystal for couple of months) then clear, clean and recharge it. Also ask the receiver to follow all the steps before they start using the crystal.
  • Or you can let them go in a stream of flowing water.
 Image source:

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