Monday, December 7, 2015

About energy healing...

What is Energy work/healing?
Energy work or energy healing is a term which refers to healing our energy bodies. Scientifically it has been established the all living beings have an electromagnetic field around them. This electromagnetic field is our energy body. It consists of what we receive from the outside world and what we give out to the world. It is very important to keep this energy at the right balance to lead a happy and healthy life. Any imbalance can result in a lot of issues ranging from minor inconveniences to serious diseases.
Energy healing balances our energy bodies gently and clears all the unwanted clutter from our minds gradually to maintain our energy field at optimum balance.
There are many modules of energy healing like, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, chakra healing, sound therapy, aroma therapy and many-many more. All these healing modules clear and balance our energy centers “chakras” (they have been delt in some details in my previous posts) and the energy they emit to the outside world.

Why is it important to heal our energy bodies?
It is important to keep our energy free of clutter, it gives us clarity and focus on the current situations at hand. If you have ever felt your mind too scattered and unable to focus on tasks at hand you will understand what I am talking about. Lot of mental activity seeps in and creates emotional issues and those emotional issues create physical issues. To put all this into perspective, remember anytime you had to do something you are not very confident about and you have a deadline to meet and produce great quality of work. General reaction is panic, anxiety and chaos, which results in emotionally feeling under confident, scared and irritated. All of this emotional stress converts into indigestion/acid reflux/lack of appetite/lack of sleep and in general chaos. Energy healing in these situations, relaxes you completely. It gives you the openness to accept what cannot be changed, focus on what can be done and strength (mental and emotional and many a times physical) to carry through your plans.
Sometimes, you do not realize of a few repeating patterns in our lives, like the kind of people you grow close to or landing in the same mess over and again even after taking precautions after the first time. No matter how hard you try, you seem to get to where you started. These situations arise in our lives due to what we put out there to the world. That makes us attract the very same things we are running away from. For example, if you ever had to deal with emotionally charged people and chaos in life for a long time, no matter how old or far you grow from those people and places, you still are anticipating the same things at other places and with people. You are always on guard and looking out for yourself. At the slightest drop of a pin you panic that everything is repeating again, and to your surprise, those situation come back to your life. Energy healing can make you address these kind of patterns and help you let go of what is not serving your highest good.
You may also want a very successful life in terms of career, money, family and health and so forth… majority of the time, it may seem that you are not getting what you want. Energy healing can help you resolve those issues by making you aware of what may be blocking you from realizing you dreams. Everyone on this planet are entitled to their version of happy as long as they do not harm anything or anyone around them. We are entitled to our happy place if we achieve it out of love. Energy healing lets us do that with all the love that is required.

How does energy healing work?
Energy healing works on individual needs. As a practitioner, I only channel healing energy into client’s energy body. How the energy chooses to work is totally up to healing energy and the individual receiving it. Healing modules like Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy, work on free will. They work only till the individual permits them to work on him/her and only on the level they allow healing to work on him/her. It is like listening to a radio channel. Practitioner is like the physical transistor, the frequency is healing energy and what the listener hears is up to them and how long they listen is as well.

Who should get energy healing? Is it only for people who think have problems? Is there age bar to do this?
Anyone, any age and anything (living/non-living) can get energy healing. Even fetuses are given energy healing to be happy and healthy children when they are born. Happy people can get energy healing to stay that way. People with spiritual/mental/emotional/physical issues can get energy healing to feel better and work on their issues to get better and stay better.  

How often should one get a healing session?
It also depends on the individual. A few people feel the need to get a session frequently and a few once in a few months. However, a practitioner can always recommend the frequency of the sessions after giving a session to assess the need or in general getting a feel of the client’s needs.

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