Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Power of intentions.

Intentions with which we start anything or live our lives have a lot to do with how we feel in general. 

To elaborate, let us consider an example of helping someone. when we try and help out, we hardly pay any attention to what made us help the person? What is our main motivating factor behind our act of helping? Are we setting expectations with ourselves right about the outcome? Are we attempting to alleviate somebody's situation whatever it may be, as simple as lending someone our pen? Or are we doing it to make ourselves feel good? Or are we expecting rewards from the universe in the form of good karma which will be paid back in a good way someday? 

If the intention says, "I will uplift this person by my help, and they will be grateful", it may not work exactly as expected. If the intention says, "I will be rewarded someday when I am in desperate need for help", that may not work as well. This eventually leads to frustrations, anger, hatred and many other unwanted negative feelings which at the end do not make us happy.

Intentions are very subtle, we do not even know that they are the driving factors behind our actions. Intentions with which we do every act in our lives determines the general contentment with ourselves, other and everything thing else we interact with. 

Setting right intentions, leads to right expectations. Right expectations lead to a happier you. 

Let us talk about on setting right intentions next week... till then, thanks for reading and spending your precious time on this blog...

Friday, September 4, 2015

Letting Go...

Haven't we all at some point in time have had the desperate need to let go of some situation, feeling or people? Haven't we all thought how marvelous it would be if somehow magically we did not feel the hurt, pain, disappointment and plenty of other negative emotions which come along with that person/situation? Haven't we all tried many tricks and solutions to get over something or someone? Haven't we failed many times trying to let go and then thinking that we succeeded just to find out that we felt the same way or even worse right after feeling good?
Many of us will answer YES! to all the above questions. So, the question remains, how do we let go? There is no one step method to this. In my experience, I have found that letting go and accepting takes it's time. All we have to do is be patient with ourselves and love ourselves through the process. I have also discovered a small trick with help of Reiki and angels that the entire journey of letting go may be less painstaking. I have personally tried this out and have come to terms with a few issues that i needed to accept, learn and let go.
I share the same with you here:
  • When something or someone is constantly on your mind for negative reasons and you are finding it hard to let go of that or them, ask yourself this question, "What is my attachment to  this particular situation or person?". When I say attachment, I do not mean relationship. Dig deeper, there has to be a reason why something or someone is really bothering you so much. Sometimes, you will hear yourself answering, "Why, what? I love him/her/that". Then ask yourself again, "If I love Him/Her/That, i should not feel negative, love is liberating, what is it that is actually bothering me?". Let me tell you, these questions can get highly uncomfortable for you to deal with and to answer many a times.
  • Next step as soon as you post that question is to call in help of Reiki with any symbol that resonates with your situation. I use the Master symbol, power symbol, emotional healing and the distant healing symbols. Put those symbols on you and just sit feeling Reiki helping you let go slowly and come to terms with the situations you are dealing with by bringing acceptance in you. do it 5 to 10 minutes or as long as you would like. If you are not attuned to Reiki, just pray to Reiki to assist you with the process and sit mediating on the healing energy for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After you are done, thank Reiki for the healing it brought you. 
  • Pay attention to anything that you may hear, see in your meditation or feel in general during the process. They might point to ways of letting go or the matters which are bothering you so that you may acknowledge, learn and let go with love.
  • You can repeat these steps as often as you like till you make peace with situation/person. 
  • when you follow this method, you will notice that the frequency of those thought and the amount of negativity reduces every time.
  • Bigger the problem, longer it takes to let go. be patient with your self and you will see the results are so beautiful and you come out much stronger and beautiful than you ever were. 
Reiki transforms us in a very powerful yet gentle ways. Before Reiki i would brood and sometimes hate people and situations. However, after Reiki touched my life, I am more about letting go with love. The later is so much better as we do not feel the negativity creeping in and destroying our joy!
It is said that, "It is not how the storm go to you that matters, how you survived it does."...